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Главная » Файлы » Програмы/Programs » Мультимедиа

SuperEasy Video Converter v1.31
29 Сентября 2008, 18:31

SuperEasy Video Converter - граббер видео DVD, закачка видео из интернет, конвертер видео в FLASH форматы.
загрузка видео из Youtube, Google Video, Clipfish, MyVideo, VideoTube, MySpace, Metacafe, Sevenload, iFilm, blip.tv и других аудио и видео сервисов
конвертирование видео в популярные видео форматы
граббер видео DVD в популярные видео форматы
выбор файлов для извлечения
пакетный режим конвертирования
настройка параметров извлечения и конвертирования
высокая скорость работы
высокое качество результата
приятный и удобный интерфейс

With SuperEasy Video Converter you purchase video-creation software, which offers an unparalleled wealth of features and easy handling.The program converts DVD-videos as well as video files of most different formats to exactly the standard that you require for your device. Even better, it downloads flash videos from platforms like Youtube and MyVideo and converts them to the required format without wasting time.

In order to use SuperEasy Video Converter you do not require any knowledge concerning the supported formats and characteristics of your player. Just enter the target device, the software will take care of the rest with optimally tuned profiles set up by our experienced programmers, who have explored the most hidden corners of every player, whether portable or stationary.

The most important features (visible)
Intuitive and easy to operate surface
Recording of DVD-videos (incl. single chapters), video and flash files from Internet platforms as source files to be converted
Direct video download from sites like Youtube, Google Video, Clipfish, MyVideo, VideoTube, MySpace, Metacafe, Sevenload, iFilm, blip.tv and dailymotion with or without converting
Integrated preview of files to be converted
Detailed display of files to be converted
Setting of cut markers: only convert what you want to see
Splitting of videos for memory card players or other devices with limited storage space

The most important features (invisible)
Use of latest, state-of-the-art compression technologies
Integrated profiles, which are optimally adjusted to the respective player and bring the best possible results no need for the user to agonize over encoding options, aspect ratio or incompatibility
Comprehensive decoder equipment for reading all popular video formats plus less common standards

OS: Windows: XP, 2003 Server, Vista, 2008 Server
Интерфейс: English
Размер: 24.04 MB
Лекарство в архиве!

Категория: Мультимедиа | Добавил: Старшой
Просмотров: 392 | Загрузок: 0
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