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Focus Photoeditor 5.2.1
03 Августа 2008, 16:34

Focus Photoeditor - мощный редактор изображений. Помимо его превосходных способностей исправлять цифровые фотографии, он имеет много мощных инструментов, которыми обладают только более дорогие программы. Имеет много инструментов, которые Вы едва ли найдете в другом месте. Focus Photoeditor - превосходный выбор и для новичка и для профессионального фотографа: в нем сочетается количество и качество свойств с легким, в использовании, интерфейсом. Также эта программа может работать с плагинами для Photoshop.

What makes Focus Photoeditor really great?

* Loads fast, letting you immediately start to edit your pictures.
* Does not eat up memory: memory consumption does not grow with the number of layers or the number of files opened.
* Supports over 100 digital camera RAW formats.
* Has the best set of Automatic Photo Corrections you could ask for.
* Uses High Quality photo correction algorithms, which are also finely tuned.
* Has a very easy to use Batch Processor with undo capabilities.
* Supports powerful ways of creating Selections and has separate undo history for them.
* Features great control over precise editing
* Provides many options to save and export files (optimized size and preview for all formats)
* Has a very comfortable picture browser: lets you rotate, make backup copies, copy & paste, print picture files in a sheet.
* Offers many extras, like a web-album builder

Enhance Photos

Focus Photoeditor has a full arsenal of tools for editing and correcting digital images, that will never leave you without options:

* Quick Fix Wizard
* Exposure Compensation
* Smart Flash-Reduce Highlights
* RGB curves
* Hue/Saturation
* and much more..

When coming to automatic corrections our software is an excellent choice as well: try its Quick Fix, Auto Contrast, Auto Stretch, Auto Colors, Auto White Balance and many others.

Focus Photoeditor 5 can read and correctly render pictures with Adobe RGB or any other embedded color profile.

In v. 5 a special attention and accurate tuning was put in every algorithm. With all its correction tools Focus Photoeditor will make your pictures look incredibly clean, sharp and perfectly balanced.


In Focus Photoeditor any editing tool can be used with color mode or with retouch mode. This gives you great flexibility in choosing the right tool for retouching different parts of a picture.

* Very effective is the Anti-RedEye retouch tool. Get rid of this annoying problem very quickly: select the eye color and choose the most suitable tool (for example a round brush or an ellipse..).
* The clone tool will let you remove unwanted details or duplicate existing ones.
* It is possible to lighten or darken details, improve sharpness, increase saturation using any of the editing tools provided.

Paint and Draw

Focus Photoeditor is an excellent painting and editing program. You can paint, draw lines, polygons, ellipses and apply color, textures, gradients and objects.

* Customizable brushes let you create any work of art.
* With Cloning you can turn your photos into paintings, by copying part of one picture onto another, using your preferred color.
* Edit precisely using grids and guides.
What's New in Version 5.2:
* Added full compatibility with Vista.
* If you are a Windows Vista user, you can now launch the program normally (no tricks are any longer necessary).
* Solved several bugs and problems
* Improved interface
* Improved Performance working with picture files
* Improved Unsharp Mask Filter, AutoSharpen and many others.
* Now it is possible to resize the crop area without loosing the proportions
* Improved Group Layers Operations, solved some bugs
* Now Raw formats work! Over 120
cameras supported.
* New Remove Chroma Noise correction: removes all kind of chroma artifacts. Tested with Panasonic cameras jpegs, which have this problem when shooting in low light.
* New Selections are now available from the main menu.
* Web-album was adjourned and bugs from older versions were removed
* A picture refresh bug introduced with v. 5.2 has been fixed. The problem happened while drawing and apparently affected some computers in more visible way than others.
* Chroma Noise Removal is now better tuned to distinguish between noisy and not noisy regions.
* Some menu shortcuts that were removed have been reintroduced
* Help file has been adjourned

Размер: 11.3 Mb

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